
Chick Lit THIS presents first chapters of books written by the most diverse group of classic (and often unsung) female authors possible–plus poets–with only the occasional Austen/Brontë. I provide links to free ebooks and full texts when I can find them.

How did this project begin? I’m a poet and author, but for a living I am a freelance editor and writer. One of my regular clients assigned me to come up with a list of 100 classic books published before 1923 (and therefore in the public domain). My feminist self made the executive decision that half the list would be, well, not white men. Remember those anthologies and text books in English class that were all white dudes with only one or two of the same women over and over? Enough of that.

Do you have a favorite? Give me a shout in the comments and I’ll be happy to add her to my list. All genres are welcome. To avoid getting in trouble with copyright laws, they have to be in the public domain (published in 1922 or before).

Thank you, and welcome,

Kate Kearns